I believe that hobbies can be positive, and everyone needs them. Hobbies for me have helped me throughout my life. Some of the hobbies I have been doing for a while is surfing and snowboarding. I started surfing when I was 7 years old and snowboarding since I was 14 years old.
Since I started these hobbies, I would say they have helped me coupe with pain, frustration, overthinking, and stress. Most of my problems come from school and work. School really frustrates me sometimes especially if I have a lot of work due or a test coming up. Having these hobbies make me calm down and really think about things. I would say doing these hobbies are my rebuilding time and helps me learn and grow from past mistakes or an issue that is happening.
It is just me and the board shredding on water or snow. Even if I am out for thirty minutes or a couple of hours it requires no brain power or thought. It is just me and mother nature with all the nature elements in life. After these sessions I feel like a new person, refreshed, and rejuvenated. The sense of freedom and connection to nature is unique and these moments of escape boost my well-being and overall moral and promote self-growth for me.
Hobbies are an important part of a healthy daily lifestyle. Hobbies are a person is getting away from the real life. Hobbies provide in between breaks from daily routines and responsibilities helping to relieve, stress and promote relaxation in a person’s brain. Not only are hobbies stress relieving but they also help you develop your skills or even promote new ones which can be used as fuel for the brain. Hobbies can even make you new friends that enjoy the same hobby as you making them a partner in crime when you want to have some fun. My hobbies have introduced me to a wide variety of people, and I have met some of my best friends doing them. Its typically random when you make friends, but you really bond well when you are doing something in common. These common things have a big part in your relationship with that friend creating many more fun times together. Overall hobbies create a creative outlet for self-expression and contributes to a more balanced and fun life.
In conclusion, snowboarding, and surfing play an important role in my life helping me relieve stress and improve my mental health. These activities not only are an escape from reality, but they are also a chance to connect with nature and rebuild myself. Overall having a hobby is an important factor in life to have and I think everyone should find their little escape and find a passion that they want to do.