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Central Bucks South’s Previous School Year is Transitioned to In-Person Instruction

As the new school year begins, students and teachers are met with crowded halls and friendly faces we once again enter an in-person curriculum. After a year of muffled voices and bright screens, students and teachers alike are reunited in the same building.
Slippers are being exchanged for sneakers, and student’s cell phone time is being cut down to almost half. The transition is strange, and the students are feeling the effects of it.
“It’s definitely weird seeing all the new faces again. I haven’t been in school since, probably ninth grade, so it’s weird to see how things have changed,” said junior class president Melinda Wang.
CB South’s school principal Mr. Bucher described the new year as “tiring,” but worth it to see kids laughing and interacting with each other again. He says that “it’s harder when [students are] virtual” to make connections. He ensures a smooth transition by staying interactive in the hallways and letting students know that his door is always open for those who have any questions or concerns during the school year.
“It’s a lot easier to pay attention to the lesson and get help from teachers, and it’s nice to be with friends,” said junior Justin Montagna. After a year of being isolated, most students at CB South favor the change of pace to from the virtual world to the physical one.
Junior class president Melinda Wang said about the student body during the last school year that it was “not 100% effective.” She said that there were inevitable technical difficulties, but she is thankful for the closest face-to-face option that they were given.
Wang continued to say that “[last year] was challenging because we were trying to get everyone involved and participate so we had to come up with many different creative activities.” A large part of the interaction last year was done through the junior class’ Instagram account and the virtual movie nights, which Wang hopes to convert to in-person movie nights this year.
“I think we are trying to incorporate things, to get back to normal and have traditional methods of everything but at the same time, we want to bring in new flavor,” said Melinda.
The revival of in-person instruction this year also welcomes back many beloved CB South traditions. Football games are a popular social event at the moment, bringing in a large crowd of dedicated, excited students every Friday night. Homecoming is also right around the corner, which the sophomore student body are at work planning.
There is a familiar buzz in the school that many have missed.
“I have felt very isolated this past year, so I feel a new sense of excitement,” said Senior Gavin Donlevy.
However, it is the small things that excite the students for the school year. Junior Nikki Morsa said, “I am excited for school events and interacting with my friends in the classroom.” The majority of students at CB South prefer in-person and a large part of that has to do with being able to do simple things, such as working in groups and talking to teachers about their day.
The full in-person school year was decided and organized by the school board, and Mr. Bucher fully backs their decision, saying that the school board “knew that [in person] was the best mode of instruction.”
With that being said, Mr. Bucher shares some concern, saying “if a student is missing a significant amount of time because of COVID and because they remain symptomatic, [he thinks] there should be an alternative for that”.
There are no known plans for a virtual option at the moment, but there are procedures in place to quickly pivot between in-person and online instruction. These outlines are written in the CBSD Health and Safety Plan Summary, given the statewide mandate and circumstance.
Learning gaps remain a concern for the few students who have have tested positive for COVID-19 and must quarantine for at least two weeks; these concerns have been synopsized by the CDC. That being said, Mr. Bucher believes that the administration and students alike are doing well in protecting themselves and others. He advises students to continue “monitoring [themselves].”