From Tomorrow to the Future
“I hope I never get tired of the night sky, of thunderstorms, of watching cream make galaxies in my coffee, I hope I never grow to be someone who can no longer see the small beautiful things.” -Anonymous
Out of everything COVID-19 has seemingly taken from the world, it has left us with a deeper appreciation for this life. It has left us the gift of growing; it has given us the appreciation of a handshake, the appreciation of strangers opening the door, it has given us the appreciation of living in the world we did three months ago.
COVID-19 has given me the time to fall in love with the world. I have learned to look up at the sky and appreciate the stars that I never once turned my head at before. I have learned my grandmother’s recipes, as my mom shows me the strings to a perfect home cooked meal, when before I was “too busy” to even be home for family dinners. I have learned that writing letters isn’t a hassle, but a beautiful and tangible way to communicate with those who mean most to us.
As we move from yesterday to today, we take one step further to tomorrow and the future.
We – classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 – are posed with the question of ‘why us?’ Why are we the ones who have to have prom taken away? Why are we the ones who have to have virtual graduation? Why are we the ones who have to have our high school experience cut short?
Because we are strong. Because we are the future that changes this world.
We will be the generation to never take for granted getting up early for work. We will be the generation that takes every moment and savors it as if the future is held with uncertainty. We will be the generation that changes the world into the place we have dreamed it will become.
Our generation will take the fire within us and light up the world because of the hands we are held in right now. We will teach those around us to cherish time with your loved ones, never say no to an invitation of going out with friends, always make time for your grandparents – even if you don’t want to – you’ll thank yourself one day when the opportunity to see them is no longer available.
We will be the generation that treasures every ceremony, concert, graduation and handshake we are granted.
Our aim of life will be appreciation, and our life will feel eternally good because of what we have gone through to reach an appreciation most find at the latest points in life.
While there are so many reasons to be upset, angry, and mad at the situation we are put in during COVID-19, there are twice as many reasons to be hopeful, to be thankful, and to be happy.
We are the class that still found happiness in what seemed the darkest of times, we are the class that came together to make virtual learning the most of what it could be, and we are the class that will forever be remembered for its strength.