Voices from the High School
The Titan Thespians performed their fall play, Voices from the High School, on November 8 and 9. It consisted of a variety of scenes that addressed aspects of teenage life. It was a collection of short stories rather than one interconnected plot.
It had comedic and dramatic scenes that relatable to the lives of teenagers. “Teen life is complicated,” said Ms. Yetto, the adviser for the Titan Thespians and the person who chose the play, “It’s more than classes and books.”
Ms. Yetto explained that the play covered topics like love, relationships, peer pressure, and many other situations. “The cast members are playing someone they can relate to or may know someone like their characters.” She explained that the audience could receive better knowledge of what teenagers go through and what occurs in their lives through the play.
Ms. Yetto also said that the Titan Thespians seemed excited about this year’s play. Titan Thespians member, Tyler Gittelman, sophomore, agreed. “I [was] really excited about all the stories coming together. It [was] an exceptionally great play.”
Tyler played the role of Jonathan in Voices from the High School. The character Jonathan is caught cheating on his girlfriend, which is one of the many situations covered in the play. “It’s really exciting to [have performed] with juniors and seniors as a new student at South,” he said.
There were auditions for the play on September 17 and the rehearsals included staging the 38 cast members in Voices from the High School.
Ms. Yetto said this play was easier to stage than past productions and that “what I imagine is what I want to come to life on stage.” Tyler Gittelman said that with the rehearsals and the cast, it was a “very friendly and open environment.”
The students at CB South also have opinions about Voices from the High School. Erin Walsh, junior, said, “We did Voices from the High School in theater class, so I [was] excited to see it on stage.” Another student in the junior class, Anna Gamarnik, said the story of the play sounded like something teens could relate to.
“I don’t want to spoil too much,” Tyler said, “but every scene [had] the audience laughing. [It was] a show that you [wouldn’t] want to [have missed] out on.”