The Life of Fatima Cervera

Thousands and thousands of miles away, a beautiful sky quickly turned dark. Fatima Cervera had to move 5,984 miles from Spain to America.

In the beginning of Fatima’s junior year, her dad got stationed for a new job in Pennsylvania. Therefore, she and her family had to move.

“I didn’t want to leave my friends,” she said. “However, I also wanted to meet new people.”

Taking that eight-hour ride from Madrid was an emotional time for her, leaving all of her friends and family was something that she knew she would struggle with.

Not only did Fatima have to leave everyone behind but she also had to learn a whole new language, which she said “it came along as I meet new people.”

Fatima spoke little to no English when she arrived here. Getting around and understanding people was one of the hardest things for her. Now, in her senior year, she speaks amazing English and gets along just fine with everyone.

When she landed in America, there were so many new things for her to see there. “It was like a whole new experience,” she said.

When she came to Pennsylvania, she joined the South basketball team.

She quickly learned that basketball was no joke. It was all about pushing yourself and being better then you were before.

In Spain, although she started playing seven years ago, basketball is not as common or competitive compared to in America. But that didn’t matter to her.

“It’s more about having fun and being with your friends,” said Fatima.

Meeting new girls and having a great support system helped Fatima quickly become very comfortable with everyone.

That year, her first year at CB south she was very lucky to make the junior varsity basketball team. Coach Mattern, head coach of girl basketball, has expressed many postive things about Fatima.

“She is a great teammate,” said Coach Mattern. “For her to go back to Spain is devastating as well. She really brings lots of culture and diversity to the team.”

Mattern believes that if Fatima was there longer she would have had more time to work with her and make her an even better basketball player.

Fatima’s junior year was a huge learning experience for her.

“It’s almost like being a freshman,” said Fatima.

Learning the ropes was hard for Fatima but when she learned how to connect with the girls, it became like the back of her hand to her.

Fatima made a best friend on the team named Kirsten Schaller. Kirsten has been playing on the South girls’ team since she was a freshman; she knew how the team worked a little more than Fatima.

Kirsten and Fatima worked together very well. They were partners for everything, and became friends off the court.

For Fatima, making a best friend was key.

Fatima later decided to try out for basketball again her senior year. When she was accepted again, she was happy to know that she was put on the varsity team.

Throughout all the games that she has played, senior night might be the best one.

“Fatima was outstanding and scored 10 points. That is the most that she has ever scored during a basketball game so therefore, it was a huge exciting time for her,” said Coach Mattern.

She added, “She was on fire. Shouting left and right and grabbing all the loose balls, it was truly the best game Fatima had played in two years she had seen her play.

Throughout the season she continued to work very hard to get minutes and play her very best. Unfortunately, the team lost in the first round of districts.

Because of this, they were not able to move on in the basketball season.

This was a very emotional moment for them, all red faced and watery eyed as they left that court. That game will always be remembered.

Every year, there is a banquet for the team. This is a chance for all the girls to come together for the last time as a team and enjoy and remember those moments that they had.

As for Fatima, she plans on attending college back home in Spain. Although deciding not to play basketball,  she does wish to pursue a career in the medical field.

For Fatima, this is not the end but rather the beginning. Once a titan, always a titan.