Black and Blue, Soon to Face Off Again
This coming March, Team Black and Team Blue will clash once again in C.B. South. The school-wide event will consist of fun activities and competition between the Black and Blue teams.
Activities encompass a wide variety from athletic events, such as obstacle courses and relay races to non-athletic events, such as A cappella and a dance off. These events will take place in the main gym.
There will also be separate pool activities which will take place before the gym events. There will be water polo, relay races, and inner tube competition. “An inner tube king and queen will be crowned,” said Mrs. Warren, a ceramics teacher who is in charge of the event and does much of the organization.
The night of the event will also be the finale for team scoring. Both teams will have earned points from previous school events earlier in the year, separate from the night.
Points will have been earned prior to Black vs Blue Night at the homecoming dance, Fall Fest, and T-shirt sales. Score will be kept for each team during the night, with different events having different point values.
Teams are decided by the first letter of a student’s last name. Each team will have two generals, boy and girl, and several captains and chiefs. These roles are decided from a pool of students who will be asked by teachers to apply for these positions. Faculty will also be participating in events.
As this event is still months away, much of the planning has not been done yet. No specific changes or additions have been made for this year so far. There has been consideration for combining this event with other clubs to create joint events. Nothing has been made concrete so far. However, rehearsals for parts of the event and Fall Fest planning have started.
Mrs. Warren also emphasized the “school energy” that the night brings, the fun school spirit aspect of it standing out the most to her.
“It just really brings the whole school together,” she said. Mrs.Warren described everyone, both competitors and spectators, cheering each other on, saying, “Students go all out to show their support.”
The event lets the students show their school spirit through competing or cheering on their classmates. Her vision for the future is for this event to be “the big event of the year, besides prom” and just get more students involved, especially in the pool events where there are mostly swim team members.
“Coming up to its third year, Black vs Blue night continues to grow in size and popularity,” said Mrs. Warren. More and more students are participating each year and this may lead to further growth of the event and the activities it entails.
Mrs. Warren personally found the obstacle course in the gym the most fun to watch. “People go flying,” she said with a smile. She also enjoyed the tug-of-war at the end of the night, adding, “It was a great finale that involved many people.
According to Mrs. Warren, Black vs Blue Night was an idea that had been tossed around for quite a while among faculty and students, years ago. Many other high schools like North Penn and Hatboro Horsham have similar events that are very popular, and this inspired South’s very own school spirit event.
Three years ago, two South students Melissa Madden and Tyler French finally started organizing the event and turning it into reality. They are the students credited with bringing the night to life.
Students who would like to participate will be able to sign up online in March. Any student can participate in the activities, pool or gym, or can just come to watch and cheer on the contestants.
There is no charge to enter the event so it is not a fundraiser, but the t-shirt sales for the two teams go right back towards buying school equipment.
Pool activities will begin right after school, from 3:00-5:30. At 5:00-6:00 dinner will be provided along with a snack bar. Doors will open at 6:30 for all students. All are welcome on March 24, 2017!