Upcoming Ferocious Baseball
CB South is home to a variety of different sports. With over 20 different sports teams, and all four seasons to choose from, there’s many chances to get involved at school.
Beginning this spring, on CB South’s very own diamond, the ferocious Titans will take on their opponents to play for the title. CB South is home to a variety of different sports with many accomplished athletes, but one sport with some of the most potential this year is the baseball team.
Directed by Coach Brian Klumpp, the boys’ new season will begin this fall, with games starting in the spring. With many student athletes on the team, there’s a lot of possibility with such a diverse group of guys.
Coach Klumpp, a volunteer, is reachable by the South Baseball email located on the athletic department’s website. He can also be found with the team out at practice on Mondays, when they’re lifting on Tuesdays or Thursdays, and at their games after school which are found on the department’s schedule.
An interest meeting was held on Thursday, October 13 at 7:00PM for more information. Many athletes, new and old, showed up to start their season off.
One member of the team, Josh Kaye, who was an in-fielder last season, recalls how the season went, saying, “it was the first season [they] made playoffs,” giving him hope for the upcoming 2017 season. He believes they “will do the same this year,” and “make it at least to playoffs again”.
His reasoning behind this prediction? The solid team that has a potential to break out and have a stellar season. As well as the “high number of seniors we have this year,” Josh states.
The talent, combined with the experience and on the field chemistry, will help them complete that goal as they strive to do better this year than they did last.
With Dan Klepchick, the Titans are ready for any batter they need to face. Kelpchick, already committed to Monmouth University for his talents, throws at an astonishing speed of nearly 90 miles per hour. Students around school are well aware of his talents and are “proud of what he has accomplished,” a source close to Klepchick said.
Klepchick, who’s played baseball all his life, lives, eats and breathes baseball. Dedicated to his passion, he strives to always to do better next time he steps on the mound.
Eric Gross, another senior and catcher at South, who is committed to Urisinus College, says it’s going to be a “pretty sick year,” but also says there is going to be “big shoes to fill here at South with all the seniors leaving.” Making his commitment to play on their baseball team via Twitter, Gross will be taking his talents to Monmouth in the fall, delivering a devastating blow to the South team.
Looking ahead to this year, Gross said “we should win a lot because we have a lot of seniors on the team. Many of them are returning for their third year,” giving them some player chemistry. Looking ahead to next year, Gross says he will be sad since “[He] probably won’t see [his teammates] after this season, except for opposing them on the diamond in the future.”
Maybe one of the biggest prospects this year is Ty Watson. Running back for the football team, Watson is fielding many offers from an array of prestigious colleges as he strives to play both baseball and football as he seeks higher education.
Already starting in October, the baseball team began training and working out for the upcoming season. Beginning with interest meetings and clinics to see how many people the coaches have trying out, they are now moving into the practice and lifting stages.
Playing ever since they were little kids, these athletes’ hard work and sacrifice has paid off. And with all they have accomplished in their respective sport, the Titans look forward to an amazing season with South’s very own amazing baseball team.
More information about the team can be found on the teacher site of Athletic Director Mrs. Turner, or from contacting one of the Titans on the team. Alternative forms of information are also available in the athletic department office, located near the cafeteria.