Titan Terror 2017: Carrying the Legacy

The atmosphere of Titan Terror is “relentless” due to how many students show up to support the teams, Cantu said.

Titan Terror in togas!

Crazy. Fun. Memorable.

Those are three words that describe one of the student sections within CBSD: Titan Terror of CB South.

Each year, two new seniors continue the tradition of Titan Terror and lead our students to make the section more hype than the year prior. Last year, Tim Waddington contacted Anthony Cantu and Patrick Flynn to be the leaders. Both also got a plus-one.

Cantu chose Al Johnson and Flynn chose Kevin Bernstein. Johnson and Bernstein are also seniors who contribute to Titan Terror.

“My role is coming up with themes, making sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to do, and making games as anticipated as possible,” Cantu said. He explained that Titan Terror is at football, hockey, and basketball. This year, they are trying to get a student section for soccer, lacrosse, and volleyball.

The atmosphere of Titan Terror is “relentless” due to how many students show up to support the teams, Cantu said.

Terror is set-up based on grade level. At the bottom of Terror are seniors, in the middle are juniors, and at the top are sophomores. “Seniors go all out, the juniors are half and half, some follow the seniors and the others just talk and scream occasionally, and the sophomores just go to the game,” said Cantu.

No matter why the students go to the game, they are always dressed fitting the weekly theme. “Most of our themes are traditional, such as camouflage, toga, pink-out, and South colors,” said Cantu.

“We try to keep the themes school spirited and team related,” he added.

Cantu said his favorite theme thus far was toga because “everyone participates in a joking manner.”

In Terror, the main goal is to inspire the South teams. “We try to make the players feel like the game means something every week, and feel good about how much work they’ve put in,” Cantu said.

Not only does Terror affect our teams, it affects the students and the community. During toga night, South recognized football player, Theo Riotto’s dad, as a cancer survivor.

Terror also allows for students to be able to talk and be together outside of the classroom. Junior Alexa Marquis said she loves the themes because “everyone comes together as one.” Sophomore Leah McKinney added, “My favorite part is how people from school who I don’t even talk to start talking to me. Everyone is just going crazy and they don’t care.”

Cantu says, “The overall goal for Terror is to make it an unforgettable year, especially for the seniors.” Also, he wants it to set an example for the juniors that will be taking over next year.

]Last year, Cantu said Waddington did a great job leading, but it was only him doing the work. This year there are four dedicated leaders which is helpful. The leaders don’t specifically have jobs, but they all come together to make Terror the best it can possibly be.

Also new this year, Cantu started making promo videos for the start of a season and major games. It helps students become more informed about the games and was a beneficial decision made by the leaders.

Even though the leaders inform everyone, some students still do not go. “I would say to those who don’t go ‘what are you waiting for?’ because this a chance for you to have a good time,” Cantu said. He added, “Everyone is one. You know people say they hate school, but when you’re in Titan Terror you end up loving South.”

Although the student section for football is large, sometimes it’s a lot smaller for other sports. Cantu hopes to get a greater turnout than last year for the other sports this year too.

Cantu said he’s looking forward to the Coaches vs. Cancer basketball game because he thinks that Terror can make it huge this year.

“I remember my freshman year that I played on the junior varsity basketball team. I had to stay after and watch the varsity Coaches vs. Cancer game. When they beat CB West, everyone in Terror stormed the court and us freshman stormed the court also,” Cantu said.

At the time, it made him very excited to go to South. Cantu hopes to do the same and make students feel the way he did that day.

In addition to making fellow students feel this way, Cantu is looking for potential leaders for next year. “I feel like every game is almost like a tryout for the juniors,” he said.

“To be a leader, it takes a lot of time and dedication. You have to be outgoing and able to approach people to see if they’re going to the game. It also takes a lot of school spirit and a big heart,” Cantu said.

Cantu also said that juniors who want to be leaders should go to almost all of the games and be the first ones to show up. Overall, he is looking for someone who takes Titan Terror seriously.

“At the end of the day, students are spending money on outfits for the themes, so I feel like we need to make each event memorable and we need good leaders to do that,” Cantu said.

Cantu thinks doing more unique themes for hockey and basketball will make Terror more unforgettable than previous years. Making promotion videos and using the Twitter account will also help to make the Class of 2017’s Terror remarkable.   

“Titan Terror is a great experience and I definitely would suggest trying it out even if you are shy. It’s an atmosphere where you can let loose and no one will ever judge you,” Cantu said.

The next football game is October 21 at 7:00pm. Come support our Titans and create an experience for yourself with friends that you’ll never forget!